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Digital Media | Visual Designer | UIUX


Vibrant Music Lab

Website UIUX Case Study: Revamping the Content-heavy Website for Vibrant Music Lab


Vibrant Music Lab


UIUX Designer






User Testing








Vibrant Music Lab, a music academy offering in-home and in-studio lessons for various instruments in the Inland Empire, had a website cluttered with extensive information about their services. The site featured numerous course details, location options, and benefits of the academy but faced issues with poor user engagement and SEO performance. The dense content led to a visually overwhelming experience, impacting usability and search engine rankings.


Simplifying the user experience while optimizing content for SEO to enhance discoverability

Overwhelming Content: 

The website had extensive information on every page, making it difficult for users to find specific details about lessons and instructors.

Poor User Engagement: 

High bounce rates and low average session durations indicated that users were struggling to interact with the content effectively.

SEO Issues: 

Despite having valuable content, the site suffered from low rankings due to poor site structure, slow loading times, and unoptimized content.


After conducting interviews and measuring user journeys on competitor websites, our findings revealed a common trend: numerous private music academies overload users with information, leading to an overwhelming experience that abruptly halts the user's journey.

User Personas

I developed three personas to better understand the needs of diverse user groups and to tailor my website design to effectively meet the requirements of specific target audiences.


Empathy Map

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Key Features + Solutions

Information Architecture Redesign

Content Audit: Conducted a thorough audit to identify key content, such as lesson descriptions and preferred location information, and removed redundant or outdated information.

Hierarchy and Navigation: Reorganized content into a clear, hierarchical structure with intuitive navigation. Implemented a mega-menu and improved internal linking to provide easier access to lesson details, benefits, and instrument information.


Visual Hierarchy: Used distinct headings, subheadings, and bullet points to create a clear visual hierarchy and enhance readability.

Easily access call-to-action

Despite our efforts to emphasize information on the site, we observed that users may not thoroughly explore all details. With the primary objective being user interaction with the 'Try a Lesson with Us' call-to-action form, we strategically placed it at the footer of every webpage. This persistent placement ensures continuity in the user journey, preventing the need for users to restart the form when navigating across pages.

Overview vs. in-depth information

The business's request for extended details on subsequent pages prompted us to explore user-friendly alternatives. Instead of the 'see more' method on the Home Page, which appeared cluttered, we adopted an approach that allows users to capture essential information at a glance. Simultaneously, we grant them the freedom to delve into the complete content at their discretion. This strategy prevents information overload while ensuring that all necessary details are readily available as needed.

SEO Optimization 

Comprehensive SEO Optimization Strategies for Enhanced Visibility and Performance

On-Page SEO: Optimized meta titles, descriptions, and headers for key pages like individual lesson types and in-home vs in-studio lessons. Integrated relevant keywords naturally into content to improve relevance for search queries.

Page Speed Optimization: Improved site performance by optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and reducing code to enhance loading times.

Content Optimization: Implemented schema markup and structured data to help search engines better understand and index the content, improving visibility in search results.

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High Fidelity UI Design


Results + Conclusion

Impact of UI/UX Redesign: Enhanced User Engagement, Visual Appeal, and SEO Performance

Enhanced User Engagement: Bounce rates decreased by 30%, and average session duration increased by 45%, indicating improved interaction with the site.


Improved Visual Appeal: User feedback highlighted that the new design was more visually appealing and made finding information easier.


Higher SEO Rankings: The site’s search engine rankings improved significantly, with several key pages ranking higher in search results. Organic traffic increased by 55% within six months.

Conclusion: By effectively breaking down complex information and redesigning the UI/UX, Vibrant Music Lab successfully improved user engagement and SEO performance. The project demonstrated the importance of balancing comprehensive content with user-friendly design to achieve both high usability and enhanced search engine visibility.

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